My contributions to KeenTV 

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Okay, so season 5 just started.  I'm sitting at home when the power goes out (in the middle of the afternoon).  Stranded with no internet or cable TV I flounder around.  I decide to doodle with nothing particular in mind.  So I begin doodling and this jam begins to take shape as a parody of one of my favorite movies of all time.  The Warriors.  

First let me explain why I use Scott Kurtz and Bobby Crosby as Cyrus and the Rogue leader.  Cyrus controls the biggest gang in NYC.  Kurtz controls one of the biggest webcomic on the internet (one I like very much).  It's no secret Bobby Crosby and Scott Kurtz don't line one another.  So, bam, I've got my jam.





All content on this site  © Steve Stacy unless I otherwise say, which I probably won't.  Dig that suckas?
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