My World

by Steve Stacy

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 I've literally drawn hundreds of pages of comics starring us.  What my friends and I use to do were comic jams where one of us would start a story and the next would add on.  Everyone was going to different colleges and we'd do this through the mail.  My greatest story was a 30+ pager featuring the Hot Dog Man from Hell (not to be confused with the Radioactive Hotdog.) and the Evil Horde (a group hell bent on taking over the world.  Well, anywho, this is were it begins.   In retrospect, it's not the best beginning.  I really didn't think this one out but I'm committed to finishing it.  I mean really, zombie sock puppets?  That's just stupid.  Now evil Elvis Impersonators and magical Tea Man is where it's at.


All content on this site  © Steve Stacy unless I otherwise say, which I probably won't.  Dig that suckas?
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