The RadioActive HotDog

by Steve Stacy


Who is the Radioactive Hotdog?  Only the greatest superhero of all time.  Read his chronicles here.  Updated sporadically (at least weekly. . . sometimes more often) but don't just read each adventure once.  Make a game of it.  Read one the reread it pretending you haven't read it before.  

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Okay, this really wasn't a storyline as much as it was an opportunity to introduce the Puffin Punisher.  I created the Puffin Punisher back in 6th grade.  Yes it is a rip off of Marvel's Punisher.  I was going through a dictionary and came across a picture of a puffin.  I thought they looked cool and had to do a story for English class so I created the Puffin Punisher.  I can't believe my teacher didn't fail me.  Puff will be appearing is his own storylines down the road. 


 All content on this site  © Steve Stacy unless I otherwise say, which I probably won't.  Dig that suckas?
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