The RadioActive HotDog

by Steve Stacy


Who is the Radioactive Hotdog?  Only the greatest superhero of all time.  Read his chronicles here.  Updated sporadically (at least weekly. . . sometimes more often) but don't just read each adventure once.  Make a game of it.  Read one the reread it pretending you haven't read it before.  

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Many people who have no life feel Constantine was robbed on American Idol.  This lunatic wants to kill America dead and he's not joking.  Thankfully, Doc invented the invisibility potion that our hero, the Radioactive Hotdog, can use.  Will he be able to save America?  Or will America become yet another victim of Reality TV? 


 All content on this site  © Steve Stacy unless I otherwise say, which I probably won't.  Dig that suckas?
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