The RadioActive HotDog

by Steve Stacy

Who is the Radioactive Hotdog?  Only the greatest superhero of all time.  Read his chronicles here.  Updated sporadically (at least weekly. . . sometimes more often) but don't just read each adventure once.  Make a game of it.  Read one the reread it pretending you haven't read it before.  

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Soapbox time.  Hundreds of thousands of orphans die each year because greedy individuals find their money laying around.  Orphans don't have homes or fancy things like pockets to keep money in so they leave it on the ground until they need it.  Occasionally some greedy individual will come across a ten or twenty in a parking lot and take it with no regard for the orphan's well being.  I'm calling you people out.  This problem can no longer be ignored.  I propose we pass legislation that makes it a criminal act of murder for anyone who picks up money they find on the ground.   Join me today. 


 All content on this site  © Steve Stacy unless I otherwise say, which I probably won't.  Dig that suckas?
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